Roller skating school
Tunniplaan JA
Siit leiad treeningute ja sündmuste toimumisajad. Valides sobiva treeningu saad sellele registreerida.
Registreerimine ei ole igaks trenniks vajalik, võid end kirja panna, kui osaled esmakordselt Rulluisukooli treeningul või kui soovid registreerida uut 5x kaarti, kuukaarti või kursust.
Lehe lõpus on võimalus registreerida ka eratreeningule.
By registering for training, you agree that you understand and comply with the following payment terms:
- Training can be paid for in advance by bank transfer or on site in cash.
- See the price list HERE!
- You should register for trainings and workshops. NB! In the case of a 5x card or a monthly card, it is no longer necessary to register separately each time.
- With a single participation and a 5x card, you are free to join on a date that suits you.
- Laste kuukaardi tasumist ootame kuni antud kuu 10ndaks kuupäevaks! Kui on soov liituda treeningutega poole kuu pealt, siis ka see on võimalik, andke oma soovidest meile teada.
- If the child has a monthly card and due to a trip or other reason it is planned to be absent for a long time or due to an special situation it is not possible to take part in the training, please write to us at info@rulluisukool.ee. By announcing early, we can somehow meet you and come up with something.
In addition, it must be remembered that each student (in the case of a minor, his or her parent) is responsible for his or her own safety and security at training and events! Tips and safety techniques are always shared during the training, but it is the responsibility of each student to follow them.
Tasumine treeningute eest
Panga rekvisiidid saadame sulle registreerimisel e-mailiga.
Kui soovid saada arvet, siis kirjuta info@rulluisukool.ee
Peresoodustus kehtib 5x kaardile, kursusele ja kuukaardile. Kui ühest perest osaleb treeningutes 2 või enam pereliiget, rakendub kogusummale soodustus 10%. NB! Peresodustuse saamiseks tuleb kaartide eest tasuda korraga.
When registering, be sure to consider the trainings and events reflected in the calendars, because it is not always possible to do personal training during these times.